Mar 11, 2025  
2015-2016 Adjunct Resource Manual 
2015-2016 Adjunct Resource Manual

2. General Information About the College

2.1  Mission

Champlain College endeavors to be a leader in educating today’s students to become skilled practitioners, effective professionals and engaged global citizens. Champlain’s agile and entrepreneurial approach to higher education uniquely blends technology leadership, market savvy, innovation and fiscal responsibility with a commitment to liberal learning, community involvement and “the human touch.” This distinctive approach permeates the delivery of relevant, rigorous student-centered programs in business, arts, applied technology and public service.

2.2  Vision

By 2020, Champlain College will be the finest small, professionally and globally focused college in the United States.

2.3  Values

Distinctive Excellence · Sustainability · Innovation · Human Touch · Global Engagement · Diversity and Inclusion

Every endeavor should have a vision and tone. Through ongoing discussion and consensus, the members of the Faculty Welfare Committee, the President, and the Provost agree that John Gardner’s vision of “vital professors” captures the spirit of this Manual and should continue to guide future editions:

Vital professors typically are individuals who challenge students academically and contribute to their overall development. Usually they participate in the governance and intellectual life of their institution and are involved in the debates of their discipline or professional field. Vital professors are curious and intellectually engaged. They enjoy the respect of their colleagues and are effective in the multiple roles of members of the academic profession. Perhaps most significant, vital professors grow personally and professionally throughout their academic career, continually pursuing expanded interests and acquiring new skills and knowledge. Adjectives that would apply to vital professors include: enthusiastic, caring, dedicated, vigorous, creative, flexible, risk-taking, and regenerative.
(Source: Attributed to John W. Gardner by R.G. Baldwin, Journal of Higher Education, March/April 1990, page 180).

2.4  History of the College

Champlain College began in downtown Burlington in 1878 as Burlington Collegiate Institute, founded by G.W. Thompson. The Institute was renamed Burlington Business College and operated under E. George Evans’ direction from 1884 to 1920 when it was purchased by A. Gordon Tittemore. He ran the school until 1956 when C. Bader Brouilette, in partnership with Albert Jensen, acquired the College. Brouilette became the president and two years later established the institution as Champlain College, offering associate degree programs.

Champlain College purchased Freeman Hall in 1958 and moved to the Hill Section of Burlington. In 1965, the College opened its first dormitory in a restored Victorian building on historic South Willard Street. Champlain built Joyce Learning Center in 1970 to support its growing student body. Brouilette remained president until his retirement in 1977 when he was succeeded by Dr. Robert Skiff. During Skiff’s presidency, the College acquired several buildings that were converted to dormitories and constructed the Hauke Family Campus Center in 1989. In 1991, the College introduced its first bachelor degree program.

Today, Champlain offers bachelor degree programs in 30 fields of study including information technology, creative media, business, and education. Dr. Roger Perry became the sixth president of Champlain in 1992, and under his leadership Champlain established one of the country’s first online academic programs. During the 90’s, Champlain also offered academic programs at satellite campuses in Israel, United Arab Emirates and India. The first master’s degree program was launched in 2002. During Dr. Perry’s tenure, the campus expanded to include the Robert E. and Holly D. Miller Information Commons (1998), the S.D. Ireland Family Center for Global Business and Technology (2004) and the IDX Student Life Center (2005).

In 2005, Dr. David Finney became Champlain’s seventh president. From 2005-2009, Champlain began offering an MBA as well as a Master’s in Managing Innovation & Information Technology, created a new master plan for the campus, instituted the Emergent Media Center and Champlain Center for Digital Investigation, and opened study-abroad campuses in Montreal, Canada and Dublin, Ireland. Champlain also acquired Woodbury College and in doing so added two graduate-level degree programs in Mediation and Law. In 2009, Champlain launched its Master’s program in Digital Investigation Management and in 2010 began offering its MFA in Emergent Media program.

Building on Champlain’s history of professionally oriented education, a rigorous core liberal arts curriculum was introduced to supplement and support the concentrated areas of traditional undergraduate professional study. This four-year program fosters skills in critical and creative thinking, effective communications, the development of a global perspective and ethical reasoning, among other invaluable competencies. To complement the core curriculum, the College created LEAD (Life Experience & Action Dimension), designed to develop students’ social, financial, career and leadership skills.

Today, Champlain College educates 2,000 traditional undergraduates, 900 full-time and part-time adult students and 500 graduate students from 47 states and 30 countries, and continues its long tradition of being a leader in preparing highly educated, deeply skilled and personally confident professionals.

2.5 College Competencies

The College has established these skill areas as the foundation of the educational experience at Champlain College, regardless of the student’s major. The goal is to help the Champlain College graduate develop into an ethical self-guided learner:

Life is a process of continuous development - learning in its broadest sense never ends. Developing facility in the competencies helps Champlain graduates continue to grow and develop after college by giving them the tools to take charge of their own learning, to identify what they need to learn and how to do it. This self-directed learning is combined with the ability to examine one’s own assumptions and obligations to others, and to act accordingly with autonomy, integrity and intention.

We believe that each of these skills is best developed through consistent practice, application and instruction. As a result, each faculty member is expected to design courses with these competencies in mind and incorporate instructional and developmental activities in these areas wherever possible and consistent with the goals of the course and program. The College Competencies are:

  • Technology and Information Literacy
  • Science and Quantitative Literacy
  • Inquiry
  • Analysis
  • Integration
  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Global and Cultural Understanding

See the following link for a description of the competencies.

2.6  Purpose of the Adjunct Faculty Resource Manual

The Adjunct Faculty Resource Manual is a compilation of multiple sources of publications and websites, consolidated to provide information to adjunct faculty regarding the policies and procedures related to the operation of the academic operation of Champlain College.  It is also designed to offer guidance in matters of concern to adjunct faculty and to improve communication throughout the College. Throughout the manual, there are links to relevant sections in the full-time Faculty Handbook and to the Champlain website.  In some cases, summaries of relevant sections are provided for convenience.  The use of links and summaries minimizes the likelihood of multiple handbooks having different versions of a policy or out-of-date information.

The policies and procedures contained in this manual supersede those issued by Champlain College in any and all previous publications, policy memoranda or statements, and administrative directives. In the event that contradictions occur between the requirements or privileges provided in the Adjunct Faculty Resource Manual and those provided in a faculty member’s letter of appointment, the provisions of the letter of appointment shall be followed. In the event that contradictions occur between policies that appear in the full-time Faculty Handbook, those provided in the full-time Faculty Handbook shall be followed.

The Champlain College “College Catalog,” as well as policies and procedures posted on the College’s internet site, intranet site, and shared folders also contain information on rules and regulations related to the operation and management of the College. Some of these publications are noted as an official part of this handbook, and may be reprinted here. The most current version of these external procedures, as they appear on the College website, takes precedence over this manual. The College reserves the right to alter, amend, or suspend terms of policies summarized in this manual. Policies that also apply to full-time faculty will be amended or modified according to the procedures outlined in the full-time Faculty Handbook.

2.7  Organization and Governance

The ultimate authority for Champlain College rests with the Board of Trustees that operates the College under a charter from the State of Vermont.    The Board is self-perpetuating and elects its own chair and officers. While the Board has ultimate authority, it is advised by the President to whom it has delegated much responsibility.

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and reports directly to the Board and is a voting member of the Board. The President, as academic and administrative head of the College, has responsibility for all the affairs of the institution. The President is advised by many constituents and looks to them for recommendations. He/she has the ultimate responsibility for approving recommendations and forwarding them to the Board as appropriate.

The Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, Vice President of Advancement, Vice President of Enrollment Management, and Vice President for Enrollment and Student Life, Institutional Effectiveness Director, and President’s Executive Assistant report to the President. The Secretary of the Corporation reports to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

The academic operation of the College is structured into six units, each headed by an academic dean who reports to the Provost.  The units are Communication & Creative Media, Robert P. Stiller School of Business, Education & Human Studies, Information Technology & Sciences, and the Core Division. Some of the divisions assign administrative duties, with release time, to full-time teaching faculty. Depending on the division, these program administrators may have the title of program director, assistant dean, associate dean, program chair, or program coordinator.

While the ultimate responsibility for governance of the College rests in the Board of Trustees, as delegated to the President, faculty share in institutional governance through the Faculty Senate and through College and Division committees. 

(Source: full-time Faculty Handbook, July 2015 edition)

2.7.1  Faculty Senate

Adjunct faculty members have representation in the Faculty Senate. As of the academic year 2011, adjunct faculty are represented by one member with voting privileges from each academic division. The Senate Bylaws is available on Clearspace (see the section on Clearspace in this manual).