Jan 25, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 has altered College policies around grading and changed some dates on the Academic Calendar for Spring 2020. Those changes are noted in the appropriate sections of this catalog, and are summarized below.

Academic Calendar

Spring Break March 9 - 13
Extended Spring Break March 16 - 20
Last Day to Withdraw from 15 Week Class without Academic Penalty April 10
(Originally April 3)  
Last Day to Withdraw from College without Academic Penalty April 24
(Originally April 3)  
Full-time Student Registration Period for Fall 2020 April 6 - May 1
(Originally March 30 - April 10)  


Champlain College Spring 2020 Grading Policy

At the end of the Spring 2020 semester, faculty will be required to submit a final letter grade for all students in each course section.  Traditional, undergraduate students may elect to have all or some of their courses adjusted to Champlain College’s Midsemester Grade Scheme, S/U/F. Any courses graded S/U/F as the course final grade will contribute to a student’s overall attempted and completed credits.

Grade Achievement Grade Equivalent Standard
S (Satisfactory) C or better A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C
U (Unsatisfactory) Passing C-, D+, D, D-
F (Failing) Not Passing F

Faculty will still report letter grades (A-F) for all students, and if a student requests S/U/F, the grades will be converted by the Registrar’s Office to a S for grades of C or higher, U for grades of C- through D-.  Failing grades will remain an F. 

GPA Considerations:

  • S and U grades do not contribute to a student’s GPA.  

  • A grade of F will result in a 0 and will diminish a student’s GPA.

  • It is possible that some students will not have a term GPA (blank) if they elect S/U/F and do not earn any F grades.

  • For students to be considered for the Dean’s List or President’s List students must have a minimum of 12 credits with associated letter grades (A-F).

  • Senior students need a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher to graduate with Latin Honors.

How to Request S/U/F Grades

Students will request to convert their letter grades (A-F) to S/U/F by completing and submitting a form to the Registrar’s Office.  This form is due May 1, 2020. If students do not make the request by May 1, then they will receive the letter grades (A-F) that their faculty have submitted.  Once final grades have been submitted, the Registrar’s Office will make all grade conversions based on the student’s request. Students will not be able to revoke their request for S/U/F grades once the request has been made. 


Some students may not be eligible to elect the S/U/F grade scheme because of program accreditation or the need to apply for licensure.  Specifically, students enrolled in EDU-490 may not receive S/U/F for final grades.If you have questions about this please contact your Faculty Advisor.

Additionally, any student on an academic plan for financial aid (Satisfactory Academic Progress) will need to get prior permission from Financial Aid before requesting  a conversion to S/U/F grades.

Students who are currently on Academic Recovery for Spring 2020 should work with both the Registrar’s Office and their Dean’s Office to establish a grading plan for the semester.  Existing college policies of GPA requirements, Academic Probation and Dismissal will still apply for the 2020 Spring semester.