Sep 15, 2024  
2021-2022 Faculty Handbook 
2021-2022 Faculty Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

3. Organization and Governance

3.1     Board of Trustees

3.2     College Administration

3.2.1  College President

3.2.2  Vice Presidents & Officers  Provost & Chief Academic Officer  VP of Advancement  VP of Finance  VP of Enrollment Management  VP for Student Affairs  Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer  VP for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

3.2.3  Academic Deans

3.3     The Faculty Senate

3.3.1  Senate Committees

3.3.2  Voting

3.3.3  Role of the Faculty in Governance

3.4     College Council

3.5     Academic Divisions & Deans




Version 10/2010  

Person/Dept. Responsible:

Board of Trustees

By-laws of Champlain College Incorporated

residing in the President’s Office; Articles V and VII

The ultimate authority for Champlain College rests with the Board of Trustees that operates the College under a charter from the State of Vermont.    The Board is self-perpetuating and elects its own chair and officers.  In consultation with the President, the Board of Trustees functions include, but are not limited to:

  • Determine and periodically review the College’s mission and purpose.
  • Appoint the President, who shall serve as the College’s Chief Executive Officer and regularly assess his/her performance.
  • Approve proposed changes in the College’s academic programs and other major enterprises consistent with the College’s mission, plans and financial resources.
  • Approve institutional policies on Faculty appointment, promotion, contract renewals and dismissal.
  • Approve the annual budget and annual tuition/fees, regularly monitor the College’s financial condition and establish policy guidelines affecting all institutional assets including investments and the physical plant.
  • Contribute financially to the College’s fundraising.

While the Board has ultimate authority, it is advised by the President to whom it has delegated much responsibility.

The Board meets four times per year, with its annual meeting in October.

Standing committees of the Corporation, per the College by-laws, are the Executive Committee, Finance and Investment Committee, Audit and Compliance Committee, and Compensation Committee. Board Committees also include Student Experience and Advancement. Ad hoc committees may be added from time to time to address specific tasks.


Version 7/2014 Update of this section in progress

Person/Dept. Responsible:

Board of Trustees

By-laws of Champlain College Incorporated

residing in the President’s Office; Article VII


The President provides strategic vision and academic and administrative leadership for the College.

The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and reports directly to the Board and is a voting member of the Board. The President, as academic and administrative head of the College, has responsibility for all the affairs of the institution, and shall bring such matters to the attention of the Board as are appropriate to keep the Board fully informed to meet its policy-making responsibilities. The President has legal authority, on behalf of the Trustees, to perform all acts and execute all documents to make effective the actions of the Board or its Executive Committee. (Article VIII, Board By-laws)

The President is advised by many constituents and looks to them for recommendations. He/she has the ultimate responsibility for approving recommendations and forwarding them to the Board as appropriate. He/she communicates with internal constituents about Board decisions.


The Provost and each Vice President shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees or the President. In case of the temporary absence of the President, the duties of that office shall be performed by the Provost or the Vice President designated so to serve by the President. (Article VIII) The Board appoints officers of the College annually. Officers include the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, the President, the Provost, one or more Vice Presidents (the number of Vice Presidents shall be determined by majority vote of the Trustees,) a Secretary and a Treasurer.     PROVOST AND CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICER

The Provost serves as Chief Academic Officer (CAO.) The Provost reports to the President and provides academic leadership and oversees academic operations of the College.

The Provost/CAO staffs the Student Experience committee of the Board and is an active participant in all major College policy recommending bodies. Direct reports to the Provost include assistant/associate provosts, the academic deans, and other academic leadership members at the Provost’s discretion.

Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Coordinate academic planning and budgeting;
  • Work with faculty and academic deans on academic policies, delivery of instruction, functioning of academic departments, requirements for admission and graduation, and curriculum revision;
  • Support faculty development and general faculty welfare;
  • Define and recommend for approval by the President, academic and educational policy and philosophy;
  • Faculty hiring, promotion, termination and sabbatical leaves;
  • Initiate, in conjunction with deans and program directors, program evaluation and quality control;
  • Provides leadership for all academic programs, ensuring that all programs, support and delivery mechanisms are relevant, flexible and adaptable to a rapidly changing educational environment;
  • Collaborate with the Vice-President for Student Affairs and Institutional Diversity and Inclusion to implement initiatives that promote student success to graduation and advance an inclusive community.
  • Coordinate with fellow Vice-Presidents on matters affecting faculty and academic staff.
  • Recommend curricular changes to the President, based on work with faculty and academic deans;
  • Recommend to the President plans for organization and administration of academic programs;
  • Formulate recommendations for the President regarding long- and short-range planning, goals and objectives of the College; – with advice and counsel of the deans, program directors, faculty and committees as described in the College governance structure;
  • Responsible to the Board of Trustees Student Experience Committee.     VICE PRESIDENT OF ADVANCEMENT

The Vice President of Institutional Advancement reports to the President and advises the President and Board on all matters affecting institutional advancement, including cultivating  and  soliciting  donor  prospects, parent relations, philanthropic donations to external audiences, and stewardship of the various relationships between College and the external community.

Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Employ, direct and supervise staff in alumni relations, annual fund, planned giving, major gifts and advancement operations;
  • Donor relations and stewardship, to include reporting to donors on how their funds have been invested;
  • Annual, endowment, deferred and capital giving programs;
  • Coordinate grant proposals to all outside funding agencies and foundations;
  • Stewardship and communications directed primarily at the alumni, parent and family, community, corporate, foundation and internal constituencies;
  • Responsible to the Board of Trustees for the Advancement Committee.     VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE

  • Responsible for all financial activities of the College, development and implementation of financial systems and policies in compliance with all federal regulations and accounting standards;
    • All receipts and disbursement of accounts
    • All banking and financing activities of the College
    • All oversight of debt covenants and borrowing obligations
    • Responsible for long-term financial stability of institution and maintaining annual balanced budgets and long-term financial model
    • Management of all institutional, federal and state aid
    • Management of Student Accounts
  • Overall supervision of campus planning, property management and development, as well as all physical plant operations;
    • Responsible for creation and maintenance of the College’s Master Plan
    • Responsible for design and building of new construction projects
    • Responsible for the appropriateness and adequacy of all physical space on campus
  • Overall supervision of all other auxiliary services, bookstore, food services, Events Center and janitorial services.
  • Overall supervision of Risk Management and Contract Management;
    • Oversight of all legal affairs of the institution and contact for outside counsel
    • Authorized signer of all contracts on behalf of the institution
    • Adequately protect the College from risk and catastrophic events
  • Responsible to the Board of Trustees for the following committees: Finance Committee and the Audit and Compliance Committee.    VICE PRESIDENT OF ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT

The Vice President of Enrollment Management reports to the President and coordinates, supervises and evaluates administrative units responsible for the recruitment of undergraduate campus students (admission and financial aid) as well as units responsible for marketing and promoting the College.

Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Provide direction and governance on the positioning of the institution to ensure differentiation and value;
  • Manage leadership in the areas of Undergraduate Admissions, Transfer Admissions, Marketing of traditional programs and Financial Aid;
  • Anticipate changes and opportunities in the enrollment marketplace and respond accordingly;
  • Ensure enrollment management services are of quality and provide value to the marketplace;
  • Develops and coaches directors on enrollment goals and revenue, as well as professional skill development;
  • Serves as the primary point of contact to the President and the Board of Trustees regarding enrollment and the strategic planning to meet enrollment goals;
  • Coordinates with the Vice President of Finance on revenue projections.     VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS

The Vice President for Student Affairs reports to the President and is responsible for planning, managing,  and  evaluating  student  life  services  that  support  the accomplishment of the College’s mission and strategic plan.  Services that are overseen include Diversity & Inclusion, Residential Life, Counseling, Conduct, Title IX, Student Health, Campus Safety and Student Activities.

Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Provide vision, leadership and oversight for student development programs and services
  • Provide strategic and tactical leadership for the development, implementation, and evaluation of systems that increase efficiency and effectiveness of programs and services to achieve retention goals;
  • Track trends, best practices, and current legal issues to ensure student programs and services are current, relevant, ethical and legal;
  • Provide strong advocacy for student interests and provide leadership in developing an inclusive and welcoming campus community that reflects Champlain’s mission and values;
  • Structure effective relationships with academic programs and departments;
  • Build and maintain effective relationships between Enrollment and Student Affairs departments and internal and external constituencies;
  • Analyze problems and identify solutions as well as implement appropriate recommendations and resolutions;
  • Prepare and analyze administrative and statistical reports and documents, including annual and other compliance reporting obligations;
  • Plan, develop, and administer annual budget requests and assume responsibility for department heads operating within the approved budget for the division and departments.     EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER

Units that report up through this position include People Center, Information Systems and Technology, Career Collaborative and Public Safety. This person oversees institutional strategy with an emphasis on these areas.

Other direct reports to the President include the following positions. Full descriptions are available from the People Center at Champlain College:     VICE PRESIDENT OF DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION AND BELONGING


Academic deans report to the Provost and are responsible for directing an academic division and related areas. Each Dean is responsible, under the aegis of the Provost, for budget preparation, planning, fiscal  management  of  division  resources, and personnel  management (appointment, supervision, development, evaluation, and dismissal.)

Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Work with faculty and staff to create a strategic vision and oversee its implementation;
  • Establish and manage a collegial environment;
  • Conduct faculty performance reviews according to the faculty evaluation protocol;
  • Assist the faculty in development and modification of curriculum, and management of assessment activities;
  • Encourage and support faculty in their work in the division and on all-College initiatives;
  • Work with faculty to strengthen student academic support programs that contribute to retention initiatives;
  • Based on wide consultation with faculty in matters re: curriculum and academic policy, convey recommendations to Provost for consideration and approval;
  • Communicate administrative information to the division, and important matters concerning the division to the Provost, as appropriate;
  • In capacity as a member of the faculty, attend Faculty Senate meetings and other faculty committees and task forces, as appropriate;
  • Attend faculty-related committees, as appropriate, to provide advice and input, help shape recommendations, and provide advocacy for faculty recommendations and suggestions, as appropriate;
  • Participate in recruitment and retention events and ensure that faculty in the division participate;
  • Participate in campus-wide committees and external community committees and task forces as appropriate;
  • Participate with Advancement in soliciting and stewarding donor support for the College.


Version 7/2014  

Person/Dept. Responsible:

Senate President


Google Site for Senate Bylaws (requires login)

See Appendix of this Faculty Handbook for link to the Senate Bylaws.


Article VII, Section 3 of the Senate Bylaws defines standing committees of the faculty as: Academic Affairs, Curriculum, Welfare, Promotions and Sabbatical Leave, Professional Development, Campus Climate, Culture adn DE&I, Senate Structure & Bylaws & Nominating, and Faculty Evaluation.

3.3.2     VOTING

Article II, Section 1 of the Senate Bylaws defines voting members as comprised of full-time faculty. As of academic year 2011, adjunct faculty may be represented by one member from each division with voting privileges.


The  faculty  recognizes  and  accepts  that  the  ultimate  responsibility  for  governance  of  the College rests in the Board of Trustees, as delegated to the President.  While the Board retains responsibility and authority for governance, it functions with consultation and advice of the President who, in turn consults with the Provost in addition to other vice presidents, academic deans, the faculty and other constituents.

The faculty respects and supports the role of the President in articulating the vision of the College, providing strategic direction, and rendering final decisions on all policy, fiscal, resource allocation, and personnel matters.

All actions of the faculty are understood to be direct recommendations to the Chief Academic Officer and/or to the College President.  The faculty offer recommendations and have primary responsibility for policy on curriculum, subject matter, methods of instruction, faculty status, student learning experiences, requirements for admission and graduation, teaching quality, academic freedom, rights and responsibilities, and criteria for positions accorded academic rank.  Faculty participate in policy proposals regarding College mission, vision, and values; fiscal matters; physical and classroom environment; faculty appointment, leaves, and termination; quality of work life; faculty compensation; selection of College administrators; establishment, dissolution, and changes in degree programs; and other matters determined appropriate by faculty. They collaborate with Academic Deans and the Provost to develop approaches for assessing student learning and teaching. While recommendations from the faculty are advisory in nature and not binding upon the administration, in appreciation of the principles of participatory governance and in the interest of the general well-being of the College, the faculty assumes that the Board and President will accept faculty recommendations in matters where the faculty has primary responsibility and expertise but acknowledges that ultimate authority lies with the President and  the  Board.    For  example,  the  faculty  possess  the  primary responsibility  for shaping the curriculum, and all curricular change should be initiated through and approved by the faculty.

The 1966 Statement on Government of  Colleges and  Universities jointly developed by the American Council on Education, The American Association of University Professors, and the Association  of  Governing  Boards  and  Colleges  defines  the  role  of  faculty  as  “primary responsibility  for  such  fundamental  areas  as  curriculum,  subject  matter  and  methods  of instruction, research, faculty status, and  those aspects of  student  life which  relate to  the educational process.” ( Recommendations in these areas are reviewed by the Chief Academic Officer, the President, and the Board.   In rare cases the recommendations can be rejected, if they are found to be inconsistent with mission, desired educational quality, or fiscal integrity.  Compelling reasons for rejecting the recommendation should be communicated to the faculty in writing.

Article I, Section 3 of the Faculty Bylaws defines the role of the faculty specifically. The Faculty Senate recommends College policy in regards to:

  • Curricular matters;
  • Requirements for certificates and degrees;
  • Teaching quality;
  • Academic freedom, including rights and responsibilities;
  • Criteria for positions accorded academic rank and for promotions and sabbatical leave;
  • Other matters referred to it by the Board of Trustees, the President of the College, or the Provost.

In addition, The Faculty Senate recommends and participates in policy proposals with regard to:

  • Institutional philosophies and priorities;
  • Fiscal matters and the College’s physical and classroom environment;
  • Faculty appointment, dismissal and leaves;
  • Quality of work life, including total compensation;
  • The selection of College administrators;
  • The establishment, dissolution and substantial changes in degree programs;
  • Other matters that the faculty, in its judgment, deems proper to address or take action upon, as a governing body.

The faculty and College administration accept their responsibility to work meaningfully and genuinely with each other in addressing matters of mutual concern and interest. In those instances when the Board and/or the President do not accept faculty recommendations, the President and/or the Provost will meet with the appropriate faculty committee(s) to discuss the President’s and/or the Board’s rationale and actions. Faculty members have a vital stake in the College and should be given opportunities to be heard and to participate in the governance process.


Version 7/2014  

Person/Dept. Responsible:

President’s Office


The Champlain College Council is the official entity through which faculty, staff and students engage in discussion of issues of import to the College.  The Council shall discuss and address College-wide issues (those that cross traditional governance structures of Faculty Senate, Staff Council, Student Government, etc.) and make recommendations to the President.  The role of the Council is advisory to the President of the College. The President is responsible for setting policy for the College.

The Council is intended to serve as the organizational structure through which students, faculty, staff and administration:

  • Make recommendations to the President for changes in college community policies;
  • Identify ways to educate the community and provide guidance for dealing with community issues;
  • Address issues of campus climate;
  • Serve as a sounding board for students, faculty, and staff who are concerned about matters affecting the college community;
  • Promote the use of consensus-building as a mechanism for reviewing and resolving issues;
  • Communicate its findings and recommendations on a regular basis to the wider community.

From time to time, the Champlain College Council may form a task force to explore and discuss a particular issue so that the task force may then make a recommendation to the full Council.

The Champlain College Council term is one academic year.  Membership shall consist of: 

  • 7 student members selected by the Student Government Association
  • 7 members of the Staff Council selected by the Staff Council Executive Committee
  • 7 members of the Faculty Senate selected by the Executive Committee (or one from each of the 6 Divisions and the Faculty Senate Vice President)
  • The Deans 
  • The President
  • Ex Officio (non-voting) Members as follows:
    • Centers of Excellence Representation
    • Diversity and Inclusion
    • Marketing
    • Secretary, College Council
    • Strategic Communications
    • Transportation


Version 7/2014  

Person/Dept. Responsible:

Academic Affairs


The academic operation of the College is structured into six units, each headed by an academic leader.  The units are Communication & Creative Media, Champlain College Online*, the Core Division, Education & Human Studies, Information Technology & Sciences, and the Stiller School of Business.

*Champlain College Online academic programs are led by the VP for Online Education.

The academic divisions work separately and in concert supporting the overall mission, goals and priorities of the College, as identified by the President and Provost.   The divisions assign administrative duties and release time, in consultation with the Provost, to full-time teaching faculty to serve as program directors, chairpersons, assistant deans, or associate deans.