Feb 09, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Traditional Undergraduate Catalog 
2023 - 2024 Traditional Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Public Safety



The Campus Public Safety Office shares and receives public safety information with other local higher education institutions, police departments, and law enforcement agencies in order to create the safest community possible. Security Alert bulletins may be used to inform members of the Champlain College community of recently reported crimes and or safety concerns on or near the campus. Alerts may appear on bulletin boards within student residence halls. (Each alert will describe the nature of the incident, agencies to which information should be reported as well as safety tips.) The College will also use the Campus Alert Emergency Notification System (RAVE) described below to immediately notify the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an imminent threat to the health and safety of students or employees occurring on the campus, unless issuing a notification will compromise efforts to contain the situation.

Champlain College residence halls are staffed with Housing & Residential Life personnel from 9:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. every day. Additionally, the Campus Public Safety staff serve as a resource and are available by phone 24 hours a day. Campus Public Safety staff can provide walking safety escorts to and from all campus buildings as well as transports to and from the local Emergency Room. Dial (802) 865-6465 from any telephone or 6465 from a College phone.

Residential students are oriented to campus safety procedures and devices during meetings conducted by members of Campus Public Safety and the Housing & Residential Life staff. These meetings occur during First Year Student Orientation and the first weeks of the fall semester and are designed to familiarize students with residence hall life and available services. Procedures for all types of medical, police and fire emergencies are reviewed.  All residential students are made aware that Campus Public Safety may be reached 24/7 by calling (802) 865-6465, or by using any of the emergency blue light call boxes located around campus. Ongoing meetings throughout the year aim to familiarize students with all campus services and include a repetition of the residence hall procedures as well as additional campus safety information. All students are encouraged and reminded to lock both their room doors and the exterior door of the residence hall. Students should never prop open exterior doors in residence halls, as this affords non-affiliated access to the residence hall. 

Champlain College strives to create a safe and secure environment for its employees and students. To help achieve that goal, the College uses strategically placed closed-circuit video cameras for remote observation. Only overt, as opposed to covert, methods are used. Overt is defined as “in plain sight,” whereas covert is defined as “hidden” or “concealed.”

Security cameras are installed in plain sight in such common areas as, parking lots and building exteriors as well as the lobby elevators at 194 St. Paul Street. It is the policy of Champlain College not to install video cameras in places where employees or students may have a reasonable expectation of privacy, (please note that as to student bedrooms, this policy does not affect the College’s right to conduct entries into and inspection of student rooms by non-video means, as described above).

If Champlain College suspects illegal activity is occurring on property under its control, appropriate local law enforcement and/or legal counsel will be consulted prior to authorization of covert surveillance. The only Champlain College officials with the authority to approve covert surveillance at the College are the President and the Chief Operating Officer (COO). Unauthorized covert surveillance conducted at the College will be considered a serious violation of this policy. Anyone engaging in unauthorized covert surveillance shall be the subject of disciplinary action that could include loss of student status or employment.

Campus Alert Emergency Notification System

All Champlain College residential and commuter students are now able to receive emergency alert notifications through RAVE Mobile Safety.  If a situation requires mass notification involving a crisis, imminent danger, evacuation or other urgent situations, an alert will be sent giving instructions about the situation and where to seek additional information. 

The Rave Mobile Safety platform is capable of delivering messages to Champlain College and personal email addresses, as well as landline phones, cell phones and via text message. 

Students are enrolled in the program at no additional expense. We encourage students to use this safety platform and login to the Rave Mobile Safety site to confirm their contact information and choose their notification preferences. https://my.champlain.edu/login/rave (Note that a cellular phone provider may charge a per-text message fee for the delivery of emergency notifications to cell phones ).

To login in go to: https://my.champlain.edu/login/rave

A student’s username is their champlain.edu email.

The initial password is their Champlain user password.

Students may sign in using their current Champlain College email address.  They will then be prompted to complete the registration process.  Once logged in, students can manage their account (for example, they can opt-out of receiving text and/or voice alerts).

Campus Emergency Preparedness

Champlain College takes emergency planning and preparedness seriously and works closely with our local partners in higher education and law enforcement. We are committed to the safety of our campus as well as minimizing the educational and social disruption for our students, faculty and staff. Champlain College has established an Emergency Response Team (ERT) composed of representatives from various College Departments; these members work collaboratively to enhance the College’s preparedness across a broad range of emergencies. The ERT best prepares itself by utilizing annual drills in which they respond to emergencies of various types.

For the most up- to-date emergency information please visit http://www.champlain.edu/Public-Safety. All students are required to complete an emergency contact form located in Self-Service.

Emergency Call Resources

LiveSafe Safety App

Champlain College offers a safety app called ‘LiveSafe’ for all students, staff, and faculty. This is like having a ‘blue light’ in your hand at all times. The mobile safety tool allows users to communicate directly with Campus Public Safety, local law enforcement, and peers with just a press of a button. Features include: an emergency call button that connects you directly with Campus Public Safety or the local 911 dispatch, a virtual walk tool that allows a friend to track your trip progress, and crisis response, health, and safety resource lists. Connect to the Campus Safety website for more information on the LifeSafe App.

Emergency Call Boxes

Emergency telephones (call boxes or ‘blue lights’) are available at numerous locations throughout the campus and provide callers with immediate access to Campus Public Safety.  A blue light situated just above each telephone helps to quickly identify the phones’ location. All emergency call boxes are ADA compliant. These telephones are unable to complete any other campus, local or long distance connections, to ensure that the phones are available when needed. They are strictly for emergency use.

Emergency Call Box Locations:

  • Alumni Auditorium, north entrance

  • Cushing Hall East, east entrance

  • Cushing Hall West, front walkway

  • Foster Hall, front walkway

  • Hauke/CCM Building, north entrance

  • Joyce Hall, northwest entrance

  • Lakeview, Adirondack, Butler & Valcour Halls, courtyard

  • Main Street Suites, garage and north entrance

  • Perry Hall, north entrance

  • S.D. Ireland Center for Global Business & Technology, south entrance

  • Skiff Hall, west walkway

  • Whiting Hall, west end walkway

How to Use Call Boxes:

Depress and release the red button on the upper right marked “PUSH.” No dialing is necessary; the call will automatically be connected to Campus Public Safety.

What to Tell Campus Public Safety When Calling:

  1. Your name

  2. Your location

  3. The nature of the emergency

Campus Public Safety will provide further guidance and respond immediately to the emergency location.

Reporting Campus Emergencies and Crimes

Campus Public Safety personnel are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and will respond immediately to all reported emergencies. Since crime prevention is very much dependent upon the reporting of crimes, it is to the benefit of the campus community for all to report crimes and other emergencies as one becomes aware of them. Champlain College Campus Public Safety, the Burlington Police Department, as well as the Burlington Fire Department, stand ready to serve the Champlain College community by responding immediately to and assisting at all reported emergencies and crime occurrences. Those looking to provide information related to a crime can contact Campus Public Safety 24 hours a day at (802) 865-6465. CPS Officers will assist the student in reporting the incident or suspicious activity and then relay to campus officials as well as the appropriate community agencies if so needed.

Questions regarding personal safety, property loss, theft, or damage of personal property should be addressed to the Campus Public Safety Office, located in Durick Hall at (802) 865-6465. Because the College does not carry insurance on students’ personal property, it cannot assume responsibility for any student personal possessions that may be lost, stolen or damaged. Students are responsible for insuring their personal property, and may be able to do so under their family’s homeowner’s policy. If students suspect that any of their belongings have been stolen, they should notify the Campus Public Safety Office.

Well-Being checks and Missing Persons (Suzanne’s Law)

Campus Public Safety (CPS) is tasked with ensuring the safety and well-being of the students, faculty, staff and visitors alike.  During the course of the year the College may be contacted by a student’s family or friend to express concern for their well-being.  In hopes of mitigating these concerns Campus Public Safety will immediately conduct a well-being check.  During these checks, the CPS officer will assess if exigent services are needed or if a referral is better suited.  The CPS officer will provide the student with all resources available.    

In instances where a student is reported missing the Campus Public Safety Office will adhere to the guidance set forth by Suzanne’s Law and immediately begin efforts to locate the student as well as notify local law enforcement for assistance, when appropriate.  

Suzanne’s Law is a federal law concerning missing persons signed into law by President Bush as part of the national “Amber Alert”. It provides that there shall be no waiting period before a law enforcement agency initiates an investigation of a missing person under the age of twenty one and reports the missing person to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) of the Department of Justice. To do so, it amends Section 3701 (a) of the Crime Control Act of 1990. It requires local authorities to notify the NCIC immediately if someone between the ages of 18 and 21 goes missing.

Emergencies in Residence Halls

When an emergency of any type occurs in a residence hall, students should call the numbers provided below. If the student calls 911, they should still notify a Housing & Residential Life staff member as soon as practicable. Campus Public Safety and/or Housing & Residential Life staff members will ensure support services are enroute.







Psychological Emergency

911 or Campus Public Safety (802) 865-6465

Physical Assault

911 or Campus Public Safety (802) 865-6465

Break-in (actual or attempt)

911 or  Campus Public Safety (802) 865-6465

Acts of Violence

Campus Public Safety  (802) 865-6465

Suspicious person on campus

Campus Public Safety  (802) 865-6465


Campus Public Safety (802) 865-6465

In all cases of emergency, Campus Public Safety should be notified when time permits.

In the event of fire, a Housing & Residential Life staff member will see that the residence hall alarm is activated; the building is evacuated and students are accounted for; and the fire department is called from a neighboring residence hall, office or cell phone. Fire alarm pull boxes in the residence halls are accessible to students with physical disabilities. All the residence halls are directly connected to the fire department via radio box fire alarms; when an alarm sounds, the building must be evacuated and a Housing & Residential Life staff member will coordinate accounting for residents, as appropriate.

Access to and Security of Campus Facilities

Campus Public Safety staff routinely check campus facilities while on foot patrol. Methods are described below.

Residence Halls: Non-Emergency access to and egress from all College residence halls are confined to centralized entrances. Emergency exits are tagged or alarmed to deter unauthorized use. Entrance doors and individual rooms have separate locks, and residents are issued keys or access cards for each. Campus Public Safety Officers conduct patrols and exterior perimeter checks of each residence hall daily and at random times. CPS does the following:

  • Physically check exterior ground floor doors to ensure they are secure.

  • Visually check lounge screens and windows to be sure that they are down and that there are no signs of forced entry.

  • Visually check the remaining building exterior for secured fire escape doors and to ensure that forced entry has not been gained via upper windows.

  • Patrol College parking lots to assist students and deter vehicle vandalism.

  • Physically perform fire safety checks of each residence hall interior with appropriate frequency.

The Campus Public Safety Office is located in Durick Hall 174 South Willard Street.

Campus Policy and Rule Enforcement

Authority of Campus Public Safety: Campus Public Safety personnel are official College representatives. As such, they are available to assist students, faculty and staff with all aspects of campus public safety and are required to report all violations of College regulations through appropriate College channels. Campus Public Safety Officers are not sworn law enforcement officers. However, they can detain an individual until police officers arrive on campus, to the extent permitted by law (for example, to protect individuals or College property from imminent physical harm). 

Campus Public Safety maintains a professional working relationship with Chittenden County law enforcement, and Campus Public Safety Officers will not hesitate to call for assistance should a situation require it. Local police departments routinely share information with Champlain College regarding student violations of local, state and federal laws occurring on or off campus.

Off-Campus Events, Emergencies and Crimes: College regulations apply to all areas owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the College, as well as to any location where a student is engaged in a College activity. Such occasions include, but are not limited to, travel as a member of an athletic team or student club and any College-sponsored activity held off-campus, such as a field experience, a work-study assignment or a student dance. Off-campus, College-sponsored activities, such as recreational ski trips or dances, require the presence of a member of College faculty or staff. If the rules of leased space require it, a Campus Public Safety officer is hired or assigned for large, off-campus events, such as dances or indoor athletic competitions.

Student Right-to-Know Act and Safety & Security Information, and Other Important Information

The Student Right-to-Know Act was signed into law in 1990. The legislation requires that institutions produce and make readily available persistence and/or graduation rates to current and prospective students.

Specific information on the persistence and/or graduation rates is available through the Registrar’s Office (802-865-6425).

Champlain College strives to create a physical and intellectual environment in which students, faculty and staff can depend upon mutual trust and integrity. Academic settings require free movement and access, and personal safety is therefore paramount.

The following information and references are provided to all members of the Champlain College community to help increase awareness of campus safety efforts and campus crime issues, and to comply with Title II of the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, the security-related provisions of which are now known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. To discuss security matters with a staff member, please contact Champlain’s Director of Campus Public Safety at (802) 860-2755.

Further information about the College’s campus security operations and policies is available in the College’s annual security report, which is available through the Campus Security website.

For Clery reportable crimes occurring on Champlain College’s owned or operated property for the past three years please refer to the College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report which can be found at https://www.champlain.edu/current-students/campus-services/campus-safety/annual-security-report

Reporting Potential Threats  

All students, faculty and staff should be committed to ensuring the safety and security of the campus and workplace environment. As such, anyone who believes that an individual (student, faculty or staff member) has committed or may commit an act of violence, is engaging in behavior or making statements that generate concern about the potential for violence, or otherwise may pose an imminent threat to the health or safety of any member of the College community (such as, for example, incidents of violence, threatening behavior or statements, unwanted pursuit, stalking, and personal harassment) should call Campus Public Safety immediately at (802) 865-6465. Other individuals who may be contacted are identified below. In case of an emergency please also call 911.

Campus Public Safety

Bruce Bovat

(802) 860-2755

Office of Community Standards

Cory Davis

(802) 865-6428

Housing & Residential Life Kelsey O’Connor (802) 860-2749

Where behavior or statements of concern do not appear to present an imminent threat, individuals may also contact one of the following individuals: 

Dean of Students

Susan Waryck

(802) 860-2702

Assistant VP, Student Affairs Lisa Mazzariello (802) 651-5904

Counseling Center

Skip Harris

(802) 651-5961

International Student Services Jessa Karki (802) 865-6485

People Center (HR)

Sara Quintana

(802) 865-5417

Student Health Center Dianna Clayton (802) 860-2711

Reports will be evaluated to determine the appropriate response; the response may include, but not be limited to, referral to a mental health counselor or a conduct officer.  In situations where an individual has concerns about someone’s behavior but is unsure whether such behavior may pose a “threat” to self or others, the individual should report the information to the Department of Campus Public Safety or one of the individuals listed above, as appropriate, to allow the College the opportunity to assess the situation and respond as necessary.


Champlain College is sensitive to concerns related to retaliation against individuals who in good faith report acts of violence, concerning behavior or statements, or potential threats, or who participate in any investigation of college policy. Retaliating against a person who has made a report or who has participated in an investigation is prohibited. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, threatening or ostracizing the person, pressuring the person to drop the report or not participate in the investigation, or taking other adverse action against the person. An individual who engages in retaliation will be subject to discipline in accordance with the College’s Code of Conduct or campus policies, as applicable.

In addition, Champlain College affiliates should be aware that federal civil rights laws make it unlawful for the school to retaliate against an individual for bringing possible civil rights violations to their attention. This includes intimidating, threatening, coercing, or in any way discriminating against an individual because he/she complained or participated in an investigation.

Run, Hide, Fight

Champlain College is very aware of the history of active shooters in our nation’s schools and colleges and we continue to improve our abilities to respond to and address such an emergency.

Because active‐shooter situations are often over within 7-12 minutes, before law enforcement arrives on the scene, individuals must be mentally and physically prepared to survive. (In 2014 Champlain College began training students, faculty, and staff in the “Run, Hide, Fight” protocol described below.)

If you are involved in a situation where someone has entered the area, the following is a list of actions that are recommended. These kinds of incidents are unpredictable and fluid. The guidelines provided are based on past experiences. Other actions may be necessary. If the individual poses an immediate threat to you, you may need to act using your best judgment.

Run, Hide, Fight*

If you can safely leave the area: RUN

  • Exit the building immediately and run. Tell anyone you may encounter to exit the building also.

  • Leave the campus if you can safely do so. Only let a supervisor or fellow worker know that you are leaving if you can do so without compromising your safety.

  • Call 911 and the Campus Public Safety, if you have time, at 802-865-6465.

  • Give the dispatcher the following information: 

    • Your name and location

    • Location of the incident (be as specific as possible)

    • Number of armed people involved (if known)

    • Identification or description of armed persons

If you are at immediate risk and exiting the building is not possible: HIDE

  • Go to the nearest room or office .

  • Close and lock the door - and barricade if able.

  • Cover the door windows and shut off the lights.

  • Keep as quiet as possible.

  • DO NOT answer the door until notified by Law Enforcement personnel or Campus Public Safety.

  • Be aware that a fire alarm might have been pulled by an intruder. Look for signs of fire before leaving your position.

  • Identify/obtain an object in the room that can be used to incapacitate the threat if they enter the room.

  • If possible, call (or text, but only if you cannot speak safely) 911 and call the Campus Public Safety, 802-865-6465.

  • Give the dispatcher the following information: 

    • Your name and location

    • Location of the incident (be as specific as possible)

    • Number of armed people (if known)

    • Identification or description of armed people

    • Number of known injured people

    • Wait for local police or Campus Public Safety to assist you out of the building.

If an armed intruder enters the room and you are in immediate danger: FIGHT

  • Throw items at the intruder, yell and close in on their location

  • Commit mentally to incapacitating the intruder

  • Do not stop fighting until the intruder is incapacitated or is no longer a threat to your safety

  • Call 911 when possible.