Mar 31, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Traditional Undergraduate Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Traditional Undergraduate Catalog

Educational Records and FERPA

Educational Records


Educational Records

Expunging Academic Records

Permanent academic records for all eligible students are maintained in perpetuity by the College. The College does not expunge permanent academic records.  Other records that are not officially designated as permanent academic records will be eliminated in accordance with any document retention policy maintained by the College.

Grade Notification Policy

Students may access their grades within Self-Service through the student portal on the College website.  Students are required to log-in with their Champlain username and password to obtain their grade information.  

On-campus students receive both midterm and final grades.  Midterm grades are reported by faculty by Week 8 of the overall semester.  Final grades are reported by faculty following the completion of a full semester.  Online students receive final grades at the end of each 7 or 8 week term. See the Grades section in the College Catalog for further explanation. 

Personal Information Updates

Current students and alumni may update their legal name by submitting the Legal Name Change form, with supporting documentation, to Compass Student Services.  Students may elect to use a Chosen Name while at Champlain College by submitting the Chosen Name Form found on our website.  

Students should ensure that the College has both their home residential address and local campus address on record.  Students can review this information in Self-Service and it is up to the student to notify the College of any address changes.  Address change requests can be made by submitting the Address Change Request Form found on the website.

International students are required by federal statute to notify the Director of International Student Services of any change of address within 10 days of moving.

Photo (Image) Release Policy

Unless a written statement to the contrary is filed with the Registrar, students give permission and authorization to Champlain College to use any photographic, video and/or digital images, or images in any other form now existing or invented in the future, of themselves that are taken or authorized to be taken by a Champlain College faculty or staff member, where such use is for instructional or promotional purposes. Students waive any right to inspect or approve such use. Students release any and all claims or damages for libel, slander, or invasion of right of privacy.


Student Access Rights

Champlain College respects the privacy of student educational records and affirms its commitment to compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974.

FERPA is specific to education records and gives students who reach the age of 18, or who attend a postsecondary institution, the right to inspect and review their own education records.  Essentially, eligible students are the owners of their academic data and Champlain College is the custodian of that data.  FERPA applies to all education records maintained by Champlain College, or by a party acting for Champlain College, which are directly related to a student.

Student may give written consent in order to release any part of their educational record.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education record.  These rights include:

  • The right to inspect and review one’s own education records within 45 days of the day the College received a request for access.

  • The right to request the amendment of one’s own education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s rights under FERPA.

  • The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information from one’s own education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Champlain College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.  A form can be completed online and submitted electronically or mailed.  The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

U.S. Department of Education

Student Privacy Policy Office

400 Maryland Ave, SW

Washington, DC  20202-8520

Common Exceptions

Common exceptions to written consent include, but are not limited to:

  • The disclosure is to other school officials, within Champlain College or acting on behalf of Champlain College, who have a legitimate educational interest, as defined in this policy.

  • The disclosure is to officials of another institution of postsecondary education where the student seeks or intends to enroll.

  • The disclosure to outside law enforcement officials in the event of a safety emergency, or to assess a potential threat.  Education records may also be disclosed to a parent or legal guardian when a student is experiencing a health or safety emergency.

  • The disclosure is to comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena.

  • The information is considered Directory Information and the student has not taken action to restrict access.

  • In other circumstances as permitted by FERPA.


Directory Information

Directory Information is data contained in the student education records that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if the data were disclosed.  The College can disclose directory information about students at various times during the academic year.  Directory Information at Champlain College is:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Telephone Number

  • College-issued email address

  • Dates of attendance

  • Enrollment status

  • Class or grade level

  • Major field of study

  • Awards

  • Honors 

  • Degree (s) conferred, including conferral dates

  • Photograph or video image

  • Extracurricular activities

Education Records

Education records are those records that are directly related to a student and maintained by the College or by a party acting for the College.

The following exceptions are not included in education records:

  • Records that are kept in the sole possession of faculty or staff that are used as a personal memory aid and are not accessible to any other person than the maker.

  • Records maintained by the Champlain College Public Safety Division.

  • Records that are created or maintained by medical or psychological professionals at the College that are only being used to provide treatment to a student.

Eligible Student

An eligible student is a student who is attending or participating in any education program administered by Champlain College, regardless of age or if academic credit is being awarded.  Once a student is in attendance at the College, the rights afforded to parents under FERPA, if any, transfer to the student.

Legitimate Educational Interest

A legitimate educational interest occurs when a school official needs to review student education record data in order to fulfill their professional responsibility.  Student education record data is shared at the discretion of the Registrar after a legitimate educational interest has been determined.

School Official

School officials are Champlain College employees, including but not limited to: staff, faculty, student employees, contractors, or Board of Trustee members that act in the student’s educational interest within their professional limitations.

Sole Possession Record

Sole possession records are those that are kept in the sole possession of the creator, are used only as a personal memory aid, and are not accessible to any other person.  Any record that is made in conjunction with a student or other school official, is not a sole possession record. 


Inspecting and Reviewing a Student Education Record

Eligible students have the right to review and inspect their education record.  Requests to review or inspect a student education record must be made in writing to the College Registrar.  Once the request is submitted, the Registrar must execute the request within 45 days.  The written request must contain the data elements of the education record that the student would like to inspect or review.  The student or the requester must identify themselves when access to the records is granted.  Students are able to obtain copies of their education record during this review. 

Amendment Requests for a Student Education Record

Eligible students have the right to request an amendment to their education record.  Requests to amend an education record must be made in writing to the College Registrar and clearly identify the part of the education record they want changed.  Students must specify why the record is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy rights under FERPA.  If, after reviewing the request, the College decides not to amend the record as requested, the student will be notified in writing of the decision and provided information to appeal the decision.  If the College denies the appeal, the student has the right to place a written statement in their record stating the specific disagreement.  Each time the disputed record is released to a third party, the College will also distribute the statement of disagreement.  

Directory Information Exclusion Request

Eligible students may request to have their directory information kept private and not disclosed.  Students must submit a formal, written request to the College Registrar to restrict access to their directory information.  Once received, the request is effective immediately and becomes a part of the student’s permanent education record.  Exclusion requests do not affect the ability of school officials with a legitimate educational interest from accessing directory information.